The beginning of the year marks the beginning of your new year resolutions. Before we make new year resolutions, let’s answer the following questions and learn how to deal with taking stock of your life:
• What are resolutions?
• How to sustain our resolutions?
• What Resolutions are necessary for our growth?
Resolution is a promise you make to yourself to pursue something valuable and important in your life. Resolution is a firm decision or a determined choice to take up something progressive or let go of certain actions that deter your progress.
Sustaining resolutions
Most resolutions are made impulsively or based on mere likes and dislikes. These resolutions are made by a person who predominantly functions on his mind and emotions. As a result, resolutions are seldom pursued consistently. A wise man once said ‘Let all our troubles be as short-lived as our new year resolutions’.
Why are resolutions needed?
Human beings are designed to evolve and progress. We are not destined to remain stagnant. Observe a person who is stagnant in their life, you will see that their goals, and ambitions are not growing. The familiarity of your past keeps you in the comfort of your present and this makes you stationed in your comfort zone. Change or perish is the law of nature. If you don’t change, the circumstances in your life will change you. That’s why it’s stated that change will change you. The only thing which is constant in our life is change. Resolutions help us to progress and keep us on the path of self-enrichment.
What resolutions are necessary for our growth?
Resolutions provide a direction to your thoughts and emotions. When followed consistently, your resolutions make you disciplined and committed to your goals. Your intellect plays a major part in this process. Intellect helps you to set your priorities right and doesn’t allow the mind to deviate from your chosen goal.
Time to take stock of your life
It’s time to take stock of our life. Understanding and awareness of your past, the potential of your present, and the possibilities of the future are important. The process of self-awareness begins with taking stock of your life. Start by being a witness to yourself at all levels of your personality.
Begin at the financial aspect, and observe your income and expenses. View your investments and taxes. Monitor your needs, necessities, and luxuries. Work on your income avenues which monitor the areas that can be improved. Make a list of things that you consider as non-essential and curtail your expenses.
At the physical level, know more about the diet that is well suited for your optimal health and curate that diet to your daily life. You may have to get to your ideal weight to maintain your well-being. Taking stock of physical fitness is an excellent avenue to propel mental fitness.
At the mind level, become aware of the areas of your dependency on pleasure and joy. Observe whether you’re a victim of instant pleasures and impulsive reactions. Such behaviors have a negative impact on our happiness. Taking stock of your mind is most important. Your mental fitness is evident when you have all emotions but never become emotional.
Regarding the intellect, check whether you’re doing sufficient reflection and contemplation on your ideas and concepts which help your work, relationships, and mental peace. Being judgmental towards yourself and others results in misery. Taking stock of intellect helps you make choices with clarity and maturity. Use of your intellect makes you receptive to new ideas, and concepts and expands your understanding.
At the spiritual level, watch your alignment with conscience. Conscience is your inner voice, it’s the little bird in each one of us that is clear and guides you toward proper choices. Take stock of your spiritual alignment with conscience.
You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, try things you have never done before, and make this year which will elevate you from where you are and to where you want to be. Each moment of the day has its own value. Morning can bring hope, afternoon should bring faith, evening finds love, and night leads to rest. I hope you will have all of them every day. Best wishes for glorious experiences this year!
Text by S A Sreedharan
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