When you live a life aligned with spiritual values, you can understand yourself better and establish a mature relationship with the world. Spiritual knowledge helps to reduce ignorance and makes you the best version to deal with the world.
Let’s understand the following: what is a secret? What are the major secrets to be uncovered?
What is a Secret?
A secret is something that is not known or not seen. Secret also can refer to something not experienced by others. The secret is the information kept hidden or unexplained. Some secrets are like a mystery. Something kept from the knowledge of others or shared confidentially only with a few.
What are the major Secrets?
Secrets about our Physical body
Our physical body is valuable, powerful, and useful only because of the divine energy supporting it. Without the divine power, the physical body remains lifeless and incapable of any movement. We refer to it as a dead body. Our physical body can take care of us only to the extent we take care of the body.
Secrets about our Mind
Nothing in the world can disturb you as much as your thoughts and emotions. If you only know the power of one negative thought, the dangers of one negative emotion, we will never entertain them. Great masters suggested that when you conquer your mind, you will conquer the world. When you become a victim of your mind, you become a slave to the world.
Secrets of our Intelligence
Your Intelligence is gained from an external source, through books, schools, and universities. With intelligence, you gain success, but success without maturity can build your ego. Intelligence will help you most of the time but in the important periods of life, your intelligence will betray you. This happens because your ego gets strengthened through intelligence. Then your ego interferes with your choices and disrupts your clarity and peace. As a result, you make impulsive and wrong choices.
Secrets about Secret
It’s very difficult to keep a secret. You know the secret and don’t have the potential to hold on to it as the mind is too excited. Then you want to pass it on. You’re free only when you pass it on to some other person. Now you’ve relieved yourself of the burden of keeping it a secret with yourself.
Secrets about Pleasure
The pleasure you want to experience is nothing but your mental projection regarding the person or an object. Any contact-born pleasure has a diminishing value. And could be the womb or the breeding ground of future sorrow.
Secret on Happiness
It’s difficult to find happiness within oneself but impossible to find it anywhere else. The fact is all of us, all our lives search for Happiness externally. Our chase never ends as a result. The happiness experienced by most people is a by-product of acceptance. Real happiness is experienced with the transcendence of desires.
Secret about Time
The belief most people have is that time can solve our problems. This is a belief that makes people complacent and suppressed. The fact is time only makes you comfortable with problems. Fresh progressive and wise choices improve your life. Past should be a lesson and the future is a direction. Time should be used wisely for the present and not wasted on the past or future.
Secret about Punctuality
You are punctual only when you associate the right value with the person and use the experience properly. It also depends on how much importance you give to your personal growth. When we are lazy, when our priorities are not right we tend to lack punctuality. Punctuality makes you more aware of the importance of time and the right choices in life.
Secret about Food
Human Beings are designed to be vegetarian. Science proves this suggestion. Humans have long intestines designed for vegetarian food. Animals have small intestines suitable for meat consumption. There is no taste before food reaches your tongue and no taste after it crosses your tongue. Just for the two-inch palate, millions of animals are slaughtered every day.
Secret about Lies
Lies need maintenance. Truth does not. You need to have a great memory for all your lies. It can become a habit which creates havoc. So never do a thing that you have to hide from others. When there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to avoid. You will then be at peace.
Secrets about Pain/ Suffering
Let’s understand that Pain is inevitable but suffering is optimal. Due to the constant thought process towards a person, position, or possessions, we create a perceived reality of joy and pleasure. This perception exists only for you. Not for others. When the true character of the person surfaces, your perceived reality gets destroyed. So suffering is self-created, it’s a product of attachment.
Secret about Desires
The calmness you derive when you fulfill a major desire appears like happiness. The fact of life is that desire fulfilled becomes the desire upgraded. Nothing wrong with the desire but when you make yourself dependent on it, you need to constantly enhance it to make yourself happy. All the yogis have highlighted that the emptiness you feel in your mind is imaginary. Your emptiness pushes your mind to the world with its desires.
Secret about Surrender
A drop of rain falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. Through the surrender of your ego and your mind, you become as powerful as that to which you surrender.
Secret about Spiritual path
We require all 4 yogas as prescribed, Karma yoga, the yoga of action, Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, Gnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge, and Hatha meaning compulsory health. You need to know your mindset, and potential and take up these four yogas accordingly. When we practice these 4 yogas, we gain renunciation or mental Withdrawal from the preoccupations of the world. When you perform these yogas properly, your path leads to the practice of Dhyana, meditation. Meditation creates a transformative experience in the spiritual path. Meditation leads a seeker to gain Self-realization, the state of absolute bliss.
Secret of secrets
Every human being is nothing but god playing the fool. You are divine whether you’re a sinner or a saint. Divine energy is at the core of every being in the universe. Vedas and the yogis proclaim that you’re not the body, mind, and intellect. They emphasize these are your possessions. They belong to you and you don’t need to be dependent on them. Your original nature is all blissful.
Text by S A Sreedharan
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