We all know that exercise, a good diet, and healthy habits are essential to achieving a beautiful body. But there are always problem areas where the skin is not tight enough or it is difficult to burn fat. Don’t worry, at Chic Icon we have found the solution through improved technology that can reveal your best body. These beauty treatments use the latest technology to help you painlessly and with no downtime. You will find that the results are amazing and can be the key to improving your body’s silhouette. Look better, boost your self-esteem and feel beautiful with our selection of the best body treatments!
The Icoone range of products for beauty applications achieves through microstimulation a customized body treatment. Its innovative technology manages to drain, firm, and reshape the silhouette. You will notice visible results from the first treatment thanks to its unique Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (MMAS) technology, which delves deep into the connective tissue to treat skin defects and blemishes, allowing symmetrical two-handed stimulation to treat both sides of the body at the same time to ensure optimal benefits for the client, while the operator feels comfortable with its smaller, more compact and comfortable design. This non-laser, non-LED product from Icoone can achieve 21,600 microstimulations per minute for guaranteed results. It has a wide combination of specific and effective programs, for men and women of all ages, that help your body and face. Your face can look younger and more radiant and your body can also benefit from cellulite reduction, drainage, firming, reshaping, stretch marks reduction, breast push-up and lifting effect, and improved blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Achieve a slimmer, more natural look without surgery or downtime. SculpSure body contouring is an incredible non-invasive treatment for the reduction of stubborn fat in the belly, low handles, back, thighs, and under the chin. This thermal treatment reduces stubborn body fat for a slimmer, more natural look. They are ideal for people with trouble spots, especially for those for whom diet and exercise do not seem to be enough. This is specially designed for those areas that no matter how much sport and diet we do remain problematic and difficult to change. Thanks to SculpSure you will feel better thanks to the results achieved with 25 minutes treatments that can destroy up to 24% of the treated fat cells, without affecting the skin surface. This non-invasive light-based technology targets and destroys the treated fat cells. Most patients need several treatments to achieve optimal results, but the good news is that once the session is over you can continue with your daily activities without any problems. The results look natural and long-lasting and will increase your self-confidence. The most important thing is that they adapt to each body to offer personalized treatments.
BTL Exilis Elite

Radiofrequency (RF) technology is perfect for tightening the skin and improving collagen and elastin production. Exilis Elite uses this unique technology as a non-invasive, no downtime method to tighten facial and body skin. It focuses on reducing sagging skin, wrinkles, cellulite, and stubborn fat deposits. Although it is not a weight loss solution, it can help any adult who has slightly sagging skin or stubborn fat that does not go away with exercise. Usually, recommend 4 treatments once a week, but this will depend on the area being treated, the condition of the skin, the age, and the results you are looking for. Most clients require between 4 and 6 treatments spaced 1 to 2 weeks apart. Sessions usually last between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the part of the body chosen, which can be any part of the body. Results vary depending on the area of the body treated and the condition of the area, but typically, it will take a minimum of 90 days for your body to produce collagen after treatment.
It is painless and many clients report seeing results after just one treatment. The results usually last about 2 years if your weight is maintained.

Emscuplt has made headlines worldwide and is known as the 20,000 squat or 20,000 sit-up machine with over 500,000 treatments performed and is undoubtedly recognized as the most prominent body equipment in the world today. Emsculpt (BTL) and its patented HIFEM revolutionized aesthetic technology worldwide in 2019 thanks to being the first and only FDA (U.S. Medical Licensing Agency) approved equipment for muscle strengthening and toning in addition to fat loss. It manages to burn fat and builds muscle in the abs and glutes. Its response is very fast compared to other fat reduction tools where you have to wait months to see anything happen. It is the only procedure that helps patients build muscle and sculpt the body. In addition, EMSCULPT is the world’s first non-invasive buttock lift procedure. For the first time in aesthetic medicine, we are using a new category of device that works like a small magnetic field machine. It uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology that induces muscle contractions, based on high intensity focused electromagnetic energy, which is important for improving muscle tone and strength. The emission is controlled and modulated by the device’s sophisticated software. It has been specially designed to act specifically on each area of the body, through the different programmed pulsation patterns, transferring the electromagnetic pulses through the skin in a non-invasive and painless way. You will obtain spectacular results in only 4 sessions of 30 minutes programmed 2 or 3 days apart. The best part is that you will get your results while resting, perceiving only the muscle contractions that feel like a tingling sensation.
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