The question is, are you allowing yourself to create it. If we already believe that it’s not possible, we will sabotage ourselves and it truly won’t be. I have outlined 5 steps to help you create a healthier and wealthier life. A belief that has served me well over my professional years is: “If it doesn’t exist, create it!” Also, I do not believe in compromise. Try it out, it may change your life in a way that you may not have believed possible.
Step number one: Create intrinsic power. If we only rely on external sources of energy, motivation, inspiration, and forces to support us and our desires we are always limited. Truly we are limitless. We have so much power inside of us that we don’t even realize it. There is an entire world inside of us that we have access to 24/7. It’s like swimming underwater. A whole new wide world. We always have ourselves to rely on. We are never alone and we are never powerless. We are infinite.
Step number two: Balancing your time. Time is the only non-renewable resource. We all have a certain amount of hours to make use of every single day. When we allow ourselves to think beyond the current moments we are experiencing we realize how valuable our time actually is. Working all the time will never fulfill you, and not doing anything of purpose won’t fulfill you either. Ideally, you find something you love and you get to be paid for it.
Step number three: Having bada$$ boundaries. I thought a couple of times whether I should remove the word “bada$$” but the word definitely changes the energy of the word boundaries when placed together. Boundaries are nothing to feel guilty for. Boundaries to me mean a clear limit. This could be a limit of time and energy you spend on others. It can also be a minimum limit of how much time you should spend with yourself and pamper yourself.
Step number four: Raising your standards. In life, we can only give to the extent we give to ourselves (without feeling resentful). Equally, we can only love someone to the depth that we truly love ourselves. This is something to ponder upon. Having clear boundaries in place will change your life forever as you are taking more care of yourself you can strive for greater things. For you, for them, and for the entire world.
Step number five: Asking for support. This may sound simpler than it actually is. Because when we ask for help we first have to admit that we don’t have everything figured out. This is sometimes the hard thing to do for people’s egos. I ask you to consider another way to look at “asking for help”. When you’re asking for help you remove the pressure and unrealistic expectation of being the best at everything. And knowing everything better. You also allow someone in by opening up and creating a connection. This is something beautiful and is so good for us humans. Especially during these times of separation from the current situation in the world.
Growth = Happiness
We should always be open to learning something new. The very fact that you are reading this right now means the world to me. You may not always agree with everything I say but that doesn’t matter. What matters is your intention behind reading this article.
Text by Jasmin Manke
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