Venice Film Festival is about to start this week. As usual, there are a lot of emotions, impressions and surprises to come. However, what is the ultimate trend, which becomes brighter and brighter each year? Anti-aging secrets of ageless and limitless. Look at Jane Fonda and Demi Moore, Kevin Costner and Stallone. And our new “breakthrough” Alejandra Rodriguez, 60 years old lawyer and journalist, and the Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024. Indeed, life continues to demonstrate to us that the only limits we have are in our imagination, not in the reality.
How to make your life happy, healthy, and beautiful today? One of the first tips is to know and use what is really possible. So, what is really going on? Our world has tremendously changed during the last 20 years with the introduction of genomics and bioidentical hormones. Now we are able to choose how old we are, or, better to say: how young we are. Indeed, in our time – 50s are the new 30s. And it’s not a joke. Our longevity has tremendously increased and is estimated now as 120 years. It’s easy to live the first 35-40 years, using our health potential. However, how to continue to enjoy life, health and maintain beauty with age? I will share some secrets with you.
Let’s, however clarify, what “age” means in Anti-Aging Medicine. There are 3 different types of age:
CHRONOLOGICAL age – it’s written in your passport; keep it just for customs, often it doesn’t reflect the reality.
BIOLOGICAL age–the real condition of your organs and systems. However, someone can have the biological age of heart as 25, but liver–at 80 y.o. Our role is to improve and optimize the age of each organ and system in each particular case.
PSYCHOLOGICAL age–is a real key to success. The younger you feel, the easier it will be to optimize your biological age. The criteria of your psychological age is projection to the future. The more new projects, ideas, plans you have, the younger you are!
How to proceed with it all?
The 1st SECRET is our gene activity (scientifically called gene expression). Our genes accompany us every minute of our life: when we eat, sleep, fall in love, etc.. But gene activity declines with age, in particular after 35 years. This phenomenon induces ageing processes. But optimisation of gene activity significantly decreases ageing. How it works: absolutely everything that enters our body changes our gene activity. The trick is to know how to make it optimal in your particular case. Nutrigenomics with the help of nutrition, but in particular micronutrition are the most powerful tools.
2d SECRET concerns brain. “The must know” is that our brain hates the routine and needs new feelings, impressions, experience. You should always add something new in your life every day: learning, reading, traveling, meeting new people, any new experience, etc.. But not routine, which only induces automatisms, not brain real activity, which is creative.
The other powerful approach concerns hormones. Hormones represent extremely powerful tool of modern anti-ageing therapy, also as the source of many medical and biohacking mistakes. It’s like a nuclear energy, which is neutral. But it depends, at which hands it is.
Therefore, the 3d SECRET is the necessity to use bioidentical hormones, which protect us from many diseases. Simple example: oestrogen usage in women significantly reduces not only depression and osteoporosis risks but also dementia and Alzheimer disease up to 3 times.
Other example: bioidentical testosterone–the main men hormone that significantly decreases myocardial infarction and depression risks, helps with weight regulation. It is not the case of non-bioidentical testosterone.
And what about food, vitamins, that everyone knows, but still can hardly use correctly? Indeed, there is a lot and often contradictory information regarding food and vitamins everywhere. And it is often the source of misleading. I see a lot of very sick people, as the result of “good intentions” of biohacking, nutritionists, etc.
Therefore, the 4th SECRET: we need fewer calories and more active elements (vitamins, microelements) with age. And definitely the minimum of sugar which is the inflammation inductor.
Word “quantum” is very popular now, but not everybody knows its real meaning, in particular in relation to genomics. Quantum genomics – is an extremely powerful way to bring your health on the upper level through your gene activity regulation. And each of my patients will confirm it. I have patients whom we follow for more than 10 years, and they look younger now compared to the beginning of our work more than 10 years before.
And of course the 5th SECRET: all these elements of the puzzle (DNA, hormones, brain, etc) work and function together in each of us. Therefore, the key to success is integrative approach. It is important to activate DNA, which induces physical and further mental and spiritual levels, which again induce DNA. It’s crucial to activate this circle and help people to use their potential: genetic, physical and mental. Many of our clients have a lot of changes in their lives: getting pregnant, fall in love, realization of new ideas and projects.
And one more “hot” point is the lifestyle. There are a lot of publications on this subject, but essential 6th SECRET is to enjoy your life. Scientifically proven is that happy people are less prone to cardiovascular diseases and depression. Of course, the best and unique feeling is to fall in love. I saw in my patients “love” effects on the body – we observed natural hormonal increase in people older than 60 y.o.. Furthermore, the sexuality is also very important. Medical studies confirm that regular sexual activity has a strong rejuvenation effect not only on the body but also on the brain.
Interestingly, regular physical activity with 3 times per week or more gives similar results, including improvement in brain function. It particularly concerns walking and dancing.
Finally, I am glad to wish you to transform the energy of your genes into the energy of your life and live in harmony with your genes, mind and body!
Text by the Professor Dr Baranova Elena, President of the EU Institute of Personalised Prevention and Health (MONACO), EU Commission Expert for Genomics for Health and Personalised Medicine; Honorary Member of the World Council of Anti-ageing and Personalised Medicine; founder of BARANOVA MONACO® – international unique advanced brand for personalised anti-ageing & micro nutrition.
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