In this article we answer the most popular doubts and questions – What is Overthinking; Why people overthink; Facts on Overthinking; What are the ways to overcome it?
What is Overthinking : When you constantly entertain the same thought, become worried or anxious about certain experiences in your mind without resolving it, you are Overthinking. You are running around in circles without solutions. Thoughts of the mind are on an auto play mode.
Why people Overthink : Overthinking is an effect of an uncontrolled mind. Lack of intellect makes the mind too worried and anxious about the present and future. It’s a response to the stress an individual goes through in life.
When you dwell on the unpleasant, remember the past and worry about the future, a fear driven paralysis kicks in, stunts your innate problem solving potential and prevents you from preparing your next better choice.
Facts :
The Brian consumes approximately 20% of the total energy consumed by the body. The brain consumes 300 to 400 calories per day in terms of actual energy usage. It may not seem much but it’s substantial given that the brain only accounts for roughly 2% of the body’s weight.
Study done by University of Michigan suggests that 52% of people between the ages of 45 and 55 and 73 % of adults between 25 and 35 are victims of overthinking.
Signs of overthinking:
-Constant worry – worry over past events or future possibilities.
-Difficulty making decisions- constantly analyzing and second guessing your choices.
-Rumination – it’s a repetitive cycle of negative thoughts that can be difficult to break.
-Sleep deficiency: Mind entertaining uncontrolled thoughts will make sleep difficult.
-Procrastination: Mind is overwhelmed and unsure about how to proceed.
-Desire to be Perfect: This craving makes the individual feel the need to constantly analyze and refine their work.
-Physical tension : Causes headaches and other ailments.
Overcome overthinking:
Practice Intellect over the Mind: Develop your Intellect by aligning yourself with high value systems which keeps you inspired and motivated to face the challenges of your life. In layman’s terms, it’s called mind over matter.
Set Boundaries: Limit your exposure to social media, news channels, gossip and irresponsible conversations.
Read, reflect and respond: Bring clarity in thinking by taking in fresh ideas, which will enhance your perspective of life and you become more matured in your choices.
Relaxation techniques: Pranayama, breathing exercises, yoga, walking and being in nature will nurture your mind.
Seek support: Your sharing of your experiences with a trusted mentor will help in dealing with difficulties you face in life.
Text by S A Sreedharan
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