I first learned about bioresonance technology two years ago when the first device appeared on my seminar in Dubai. By that time I was a longtime astropsychologist and theta healer, leading women’s practices all over the world. First I tried the device to record changes in the participants’ health before and after meditation. The interface of the program was colorful and easy to understand, and a convenient comparison mode showed clearly how deeply and strongly the practice influenced the physical indicators of the participants in the process. Could I then imagine that this device would practically save the life of me and my loved ones? When a person is healthy and full of energy, he thinks little about health…
At that moment, I naively believed that only spiritual growth could heal all the diseases that the device showed at that time. The real acquaintance and understanding of the technology took place much later when the consequences of Covid-19 and resuscitation caused seemingly irreversible changes in my health – I gained more than 20 kilograms of weight after hormone therapy and could not walk. There was no question of further realization in my beloved business, this caused a severe depression. No matter what methods of healing I tried, nothing helped.
It was then that I remembered about the device, which could find causes with miraculous bioresonance technology and make up auto-complexes for therapy. It was my last hope; I bought that device. In the first week of therapy, I lost 4 kilograms in weight without changing my diet, and in the next few weeks, I was back to my original weight and the ability to walk. Still not believing in this miracle, I began to check the operation of the device on relatives and friends and the results were not long in coming – complex diseases receded, many of my friends very soon felt much better, their energy returned, as well as calm sleep, and excellent health.
I found out that research on bioresonance began more than 80 years ago, and the method was based on the most ancient knowledge of Chinese acupuncture, which has been more than 3000 years in practice. In 1939, the German scientist Reinhold Voll began to use electropuncture in his practice, and in 1953, together with the engineer F. Werner; he began to develop his method, which is known throughout the world as the Voll method and made the first device using the electroacupuncture method. In 1978, German doctor Helmut Schimmel developed Voll’s teachings and invented a diagnostic method called ART (vegetative resonance testing).
The method stands on the “three pillars”.
- In nature, everything is subject to electromagnetic oscillations of different amplitudes. The human body is no exception. If the body is affected by factors with an unfavorable frequency (toxins, viruses, radiation, etc.), then disharmony of oscillations occurs – resonance. And this very resonance leads to the emergence of diseases.
- There are about a thousand biologically active points (BAP) in the human body that are responsible for the work of certain organs. The most sensitive are the points located on the meridians of the arms and legs.
- Homeopathic preparations are biological, therefore they also make certain oscillatory movements. This allows them to influence BAP.
This technique allows the specialist to identify the level of the disease, and determine its nature: inflammatory, allergic, tumor, etc., to select the appropriate drugs.

Bioresonance technology is still relevant in medicine, since 1978 several generations of improved devices have already been created. Modern diagnostics using this method give reliability of up to 80-90%. The BRT method began to be introduced into clinical practice by the VEGA Institute (Germany), which developed the “VEGA-TEST”, the first device that uses this method to measure biologically active points since 1978.
Any substances, including bioactive or structured inorganic substances (crystals), as well as the structures of living cells, organs, and organisms, emit their radiation in a wide frequency range. These signals show the intensity of the electromagnetic field and vary from 1/10 increased to the 22-24th degree – they were recorded by scientists Cyril Smith, and Vladislav Likharev, and up to 1/10 increased to the 49-50th degree volts per meter – they were discovered and recorded by the Russian scientist Pyotr Garyaev.
Thus, on the one hand, bioresonance technology is based on the principles of Chinese medicine, and on the other hand, for more than 80 years, several generations of scientists in different countries have supplemented and developed it with new technologies.
Based on numerous years of research, the Russian company Business Process Technologies has created the Webwellness device. The method has several devices that simultaneously test and correct health, they are connected to a single cloud database and within a minute, from the company’s server, you receive a conclusion on the state of 47 organs and systems. Further, the system will create an individual preventive complex, thanks to which you can correct and prevent more than 800 diseases.
This device has become the last puzzle in my knowledge of human healing. It allowed me not only to fix and correct physical ailments, but also their psychosomatic causes, and my knowledge of astrology and theta-healing supplemented this technique and allowed me to become a specialist with a multidimensional medicine point of view. I describe my method as Healing the Soul, Spirit, and Body. Astrodiagnosis by date of birth helps to determine the risks and psychosomatic causes of diseases in the family, karmic illnesses, and beliefs that cause blocks in the organs. Theta healing allows to make psychological therapy, and the Webwellness device confirms the changes and allows a person to independently maintain their health and, if necessary, do therapy at home.
It is now possible to get a measurement on the Webwellness device and get individual consultation in the company’s office in Dubai to discover the new Universe of your body and soul with the ultimate bioresonance technology and to get the instrument for a healthy and happy life.
Text by Natalie Vita
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