I will never forget that one fateful day, I had a conversation with my client, this amazing woman, a law firm partner, Chambers ranked in her area of practice. She said something to me that changed my life forever. “I moved from feeling shut down, discontented, and exhausted to self-validating, connected, and leading. Now I stay true to my core values, and I will speak up, even if my voice is the only one in the crowd. Using my voice to speak up on behalf of the employees in my company resulted in keeping fair remuneration for the employees…” This statement got me goosebumps all over my body. “I want to create my own firm which will be based on absolutely different values and profound respect and compassion”. She sounded so confident and so self-assured that she could do these things.
It was the first aha that somebody in power could solve large problems and that business is a powerful agent for change.
I have found that so many people feel so powerless on the inside despite being in a position of power. Then they fear losing that power so much that they end up controlling or manipulating. They feel shut down and unsatisfied. And no matter what they try, nothing works! And it hurts. They end up frustrated, angry, and at the end of their rope.
“What if they could stop their power struggles and instead unlock their true fierce power inside of them?”
Meaning the executives and entrepreneurs…all those who’s got their success and reputation, actually reclaim their birthright of being connected to their internal guidance, a deep sense of calm, confidence, and unconditional health. While standing in their unshakable authority, whether with their family, community or workplace, direct their power towards doing good in this world and dedicate their lives to it.

And what really gets me excited is that by changing their own story, they change the story of humanity. And that’s what brings that most profound satisfaction. And I keep witnessing so many people finally relaxing on the inside loving their life.
And the way I help my clients unlock their power is through the quickest and most effective method known to me so far – Theta Healing.
Here is why
Scientific study has shown that around 90% of the activity of our brain plays at this subconscious level, while a mere 10% is held at the conscious level. The critical factor here is that our conscious mind is our analytical mind. However, the subconscious mind is where our memories, feelings, and emotions are stored and our beliefs based on them about us and life in general.
This means that 90% of our beliefs are found in our subconscious mind, yet we are all too often unaware of them. They are capable of controlling our body and mind and, with this, our entire lives.
The purpose of the Theta Healing meditative process is to go beyond the analytical mind into the subconscious and there make fundamental and irreversible changes. When we change our subconscious programs from limiting to empowering, we are able to make different decisions, act differently, and our whole life changes.
Even Einstein used to say, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
It means that this knowledge was available 100 years ago, and only now has it started spreading at the speed of light. And now we can witness the most progressive corporations such as Google and Amazon are teaching deep meditation to their employees as they understand it is critical to success!

I find Theta Healing the most comprehensive approach to unlocking your power to transform your life and business because it works on so many levels. It works through emotional, mental, and physical issues coming from your life experiences and your family line ones. It restores your innate connection to your inner guidance, which is crucial to making the right decisions for your personal life and business. It can alleviate stresses in your life, release fears and phobias, clear blocks around money, heal emotional issues, remove blocks that cause diseases and disorders. You even use it as a transformative tool to understand what attracted an illness in the first place.
Here is the deal: if you are ready to step up to the ultimate level of success if you want someone to take you back to the “factory setting” of that pureness, love, and potent energy that you are and help you set yourself to that default while having loving, loyal support, then we need to talk. I would love to spend some time with you to help you discover where you may not be in your power and give you a blueprint of how to get to that place of deep satisfaction, health, and success while knowing you are leaving a mark on this world. Let’s talk and see where we can go and help you go from there. You can book your complimentary strategy call HERE.
Text by Marina Sigalova
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