Ora Lian Levi is a young Israeli designer, that specializes in haute couture bridal and evening dresses and is also a full-time mother of four. She was eager to become a fashion designer since she was a little child: spending time in her mother’s studio, taking scarps of fabrics, and dressing the dolls with it. At the very young age of 12, she had already worn the evening dresses she had designed. Nowadays, Ora is an appreciated designer that provides dreamy dresses in a timeless and elegant design. As that target was achieved, now she is focusing on her biggest dream ever – to become the hottest brand in the bridal fashion scene.

How do you define fashion? How would you describe your brand?
I define fashion as a kind of art, a unique way to follow your inner voice and express yourself, just like a painter that’s staring at a blank page and wants to express himself by painting it. Fashion is my way to express my story, my deepest desires, and feelings, and when I do, a new dress is born into the world.
I would describe my brand as authentic. I find it important to stay true to myself by defining my own aesthetical rules and designing according to my agenda. In my designs, I am focusing on the quality of the dress itself and not keeping it between nice visual lines only. That is why each dress is not only beautiful but comfortable and of a high standard as well.

What sets your brand apart from others?
I think that it is me being myself. My brand describes my most authentic ideas, so as I said, each dress is designed by my own inspiration and feelings. It’s also based on my aesthetical sense and includes materials that I appreciate and choose to work with.
I always knew that someday I’d become a dress designer, but in fact, it took some time. At first, I was graduated with two academic degrees, and then I kept working in some other areas that had nothing to do with fashion. At some point, I felt that inner fire in me that couldn’t be shut down pushed me to do the “real thing” – to design dresses. The source of my drive is that same inner fire, which lights my inspiration and keeps moving me forward.

What inspires you when designing wedding and evening gowns?
I am getting inspired by everything that excites me! It can be different kinds of fabrics, a special bead, or any other thing, there are no rules in this world. My new collection, for example, is inspired by a digital art exhibition that took place in Tokyo. One of the digital – theme rooms was full of shimmering lights, and one single person was standing there, sparkled. I found it so powerful and adorable that it inspired me to create a collection of sparkly dresses for brides, but with an opposite effect – the bride herself is sparkling to the world. This is why this collection is named after international cities, which also symbolizes my ambition.
How do you stay up to date on the latest trends in the fashion industry?
Mostly through social media platforms, so the latest trends are always in front of my eyes. However, I try to stay loyal to myself, so my designs combine the latest trends with my own type of style, including classic elements that are dominant in my designs.

What skills do you find necessary to become a successful fashion designer?
I find willpower as a necessary skill to become a successful fashion designer. Everything else, including the money and the fame, is achievable, but willpower is inner and deeper than any other skill. I believe that when you have an aspiration and the purpose is always in front of you, you definitely can make it.
We know you had the very challenging year of 2021… how did it impact you and your fashion brand?
I am glad you’re asking because sharing our challenging moments is as important as sharing our successes. I was confronted with two main challenges this year: the pandemic that forced me to stop working for a while and finding out that I have breast cancer. Nevertheless, I was so determined that right after the treatments, I decided to create a new collection that would keep my energies high and me being busy and optimistic. To me, it has symbolized my cure and victory. Up to that point, I understood that no matter what I will go through in the future, I want to keep doing all the time, fulfill my professional ambitions, and not feel pity for myself. My ambition is that my brand would be international, so people around the world will access my designs.

What has been your proudest moment and biggest challenge since becoming a designer?
My proudest moment was the first time my designed dress was worn by a bride. This incredible moment was the final level of a great process I made, including drafting a starch, buying fabrics, assembling, sewing, and making alterations in the dress until it fitted perfectly to the woman’s body. This proud moment allows me to dream harder and to apply all the ideas I have in mind, so it will be the dress that every woman wishes to wear on her wedding day.
The biggest challenge was handling the moment I went through this year. I had to re-find my way, re-dream, and adjust myself to this new reality. I kept moving forward, believing that tomorrow would be better as long as I worked hard for it. I chose to see any obstacle as a new opportunity, and that is why I succeeded in becoming a designer.

What can we expect from you next?
I can surely say that my designs will have a huge success all over the world. New beautiful and enchanted dresses are about to be born. Follow my updates, you will love them!
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