What would be possible if you had unshakeable confidence and didn’t worry about what other people would say or think? Many people stop themselves from doing the ‘thing’ they really want. The reason they stop themselves is not that they don’t want to do the ‘thing’ but because they are scared that they will either not succeed or they’re going to look silly.
Imagine you had all the confidence in this world to take the action on the things that you desire to take action on, but you are currently stopping yourself. So…let’s really dive deep and ask yourself:
What would be possible if you had unshakeable confidence (for REAL)?
Here are the three tips that helped me move from the insecure bullied at school teenager to an international speaker and number one bestselling author and success mentor.
Step one. Believe in yourself first. Nobody else needs to believe in the action or the thing that you care about. Your belief in yourself must be unshakeable before you act because if you let it sway people and external sources can control your confidence. Once you’ve mastered intrinsic power you are able to achieve anything not dependent on external factors to give you validation. Don’t wait on others to give you approval — give yourself the approval and trust that it’s good enough.
Step two. Decide that you’re going to take action on the things that you want to do and don’t look back. Once you have made the decision that you are going to do the thing that you said you would feel confident in that decision. Get out of your comfort zone, make that decision, take action on it and stick with it, no more looking back. The best way to get started is to start. There is no other way around it. Build up the belief and then take action. If you want to get better take imperfect action and watch you seek to improve.
Step three. Stop taking life so seriously. Honestly, we are always learning. We are always going to be improving ourselves, we are always going to get better and better and better over time. Don’t worry so much and enjoy yourself. Focus on having more fun and as you are having more fun you will be radiating more confidence naturally without trying to push or force anything. It’s not just about hitting the end goal but the journey can be the reward. You’ll gain confidence as you’re flowing with inspiration and lightness.
Remember that shining your light is so important for the world. You create a ripple effect in this world! You shining your light is helping others and giving others permission to do the same.
Text by Jasmin Manke
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